
Showing posts from February, 2019

Morning Joy

Gracie In the morning, Robert feeds the dogs and then takes them outside to do their business.  When they come back, usually through the garage door, they both run to me as fast as they can because the next part of the routine is for them to share a tartar-control soft rawhide chew.  That headlong scamper towards me makes me laugh every morning.  Even Weezie at 15+ is running and dancing toward me.  What joy these animals give us!

Try, try again

When I was trying to get rid of another blog account host that was costing $100's annually ( I was totally unaware - DOH), I reread the entries I made 10 years ago.  What I noticed is that it was a nice diary - nothing fancy - but a good record.  So in that spirit, that's what I'll do here. Sugar-frosted trees Yesterday, Gracie and I parked at the back lot of the Hasting Lake Forest Preserve and walked in the neighborhood adjoining Crooked Lake.  The neighborhood is gentrifying slowly so there are some beautiful houses along the lake and a nice little cluster of prairie-style houses up Woodland Trails - I love those houses!  And then, boom! Munn Road divides into a little circle with Miller Road and you hit the old ticky-tacky lake cabins, the Crooked Lake Resort (don't be fooled by the name)and Bar - Video Gaming available.   Across from the 'resort; is an old multi-doored place that was a probably a repair garage once long ago and is now pretty much...