Navi's Better!
The hock injections seemed to solve Navi's hock issues. Hooray! So cross your fingers the effect is lasting. I do notice now that he doesn't give me as much trouble when I lift his right hind to pick his hoof. He was probably trying to tell me the whole time that it was bothering him and I wasn't picking up on the signals.

But like the child who's not quite as easy as some, his newest issue is his spookiness. He's super sensitive to almost anything new, but sounds in particular seem to bother him. So, that little patch of sunlight that wasn't on the arena wall the last time we rode by is SCARY! Sarah Brightman belts out a high note as we ride by the speaker, OHMIGOD! He's been pretty revved up ever since I got him in June, but it seems to be getting worse rather than better. We all have theories, of course. Maybe it's the cold - we don't think he's ever spent a winter where it's as cold as it is in Northern Illinois. Maybe his grain has too much sugar - so I changed that. A woman at the barn told me that a supplement called Taurine has helped with other spooky barns here, so I bought some from her, but I'm not certain I see any difference. Connie has been putting little pompoms in his ears when she rides him - that seems to help some. What to do, what to do, to make him at ease here?
But like the child who's not quite as easy as some, his newest issue is his spookiness. He's super sensitive to almost anything new, but sounds in particular seem to bother him. So, that little patch of sunlight that wasn't on the arena wall the last time we rode by is SCARY! Sarah Brightman belts out a high note as we ride by the speaker, OHMIGOD! He's been pretty revved up ever since I got him in June, but it seems to be getting worse rather than better. We all have theories, of course. Maybe it's the cold - we don't think he's ever spent a winter where it's as cold as it is in Northern Illinois. Maybe his grain has too much sugar - so I changed that. A woman at the barn told me that a supplement called Taurine has helped with other spooky barns here, so I bought some from her, but I'm not certain I see any difference. Connie has been putting little pompoms in his ears when she rides him - that seems to help some. What to do, what to do, to make him at ease here?
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