Sugar Plum Mornings
Fall is definitely here. I forget on an annual basis how much rain we get in September and October so I'm always unprepared. Navaroan and the other horses at the barn have to wait their turn for a turnout spot that's not too muddy. That and the cooler temperatures makes for some pretty fresh ponies.

A couple of weeks ago, Navaroan seemed to be tripping over his hind legs an awful lot, but I thought it was because his feet had gotten so long. He gets reshod every 6 weeks but he could really use it every 4-5, if I could afford it. Last week I had a dream that something was wrong with his hind end and the next day my trainer called and said he was lame. The vet couldn't come until Monday, so she did flexion tests and hock xrays and then thought she really needed to make sure his suspensory ligaments weren't involved. She came back yesterday and did some blocks. The good news is that it really is "just" his hocks, both sides. She says he's a 2 on the 0-5 lameness scale, mildly lame. He has some arthritis, but also some weird splint thickening and other things which look trauma related to her. We're just guessing because I've only had him since June and he came with a pretty sketchy medical history. Today she advised hock injections and I said okay. I also want to start him on Cosequin. Evidently it's the only medication that has scientific proof of effectiveness in improving joint health in horses. Hopefully between the two interventions and some time, he'll be back to normal in a week or so. I'm afraid of the vet bill, but I guess it's all a part of my virgin horse ownership experience. As my husband says, it's only money. I just hope he'll be okay soon. I hate to think of him in pain - he's such a character.

But, back to fall, Saturday was dry - hooray! Weezie and I were out early for our walk and we'd had frost overnight. The leaves and grass looked like they'd been coated with fancy large grained sugar. It was lovely. Click on the photos and you'll see for yourself.

Weezie thinks it's boring when I stop to take pictures.
A couple of weeks ago, Navaroan seemed to be tripping over his hind legs an awful lot, but I thought it was because his feet had gotten so long. He gets reshod every 6 weeks but he could really use it every 4-5, if I could afford it. Last week I had a dream that something was wrong with his hind end and the next day my trainer called and said he was lame. The vet couldn't come until Monday, so she did flexion tests and hock xrays and then thought she really needed to make sure his suspensory ligaments weren't involved. She came back yesterday and did some blocks. The good news is that it really is "just" his hocks, both sides. She says he's a 2 on the 0-5 lameness scale, mildly lame. He has some arthritis, but also some weird splint thickening and other things which look trauma related to her. We're just guessing because I've only had him since June and he came with a pretty sketchy medical history. Today she advised hock injections and I said okay. I also want to start him on Cosequin. Evidently it's the only medication that has scientific proof of effectiveness in improving joint health in horses. Hopefully between the two interventions and some time, he'll be back to normal in a week or so. I'm afraid of the vet bill, but I guess it's all a part of my virgin horse ownership experience. As my husband says, it's only money. I just hope he'll be okay soon. I hate to think of him in pain - he's such a character.
But, back to fall, Saturday was dry - hooray! Weezie and I were out early for our walk and we'd had frost overnight. The leaves and grass looked like they'd been coated with fancy large grained sugar. It was lovely. Click on the photos and you'll see for yourself.
Weezie thinks it's boring when I stop to take pictures.
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