
Showing posts from December, 2009

A Day at the Dog Park

Instead of the additional rain we were supposed to get, we've had three days of continuous light snow. I'm on vacation this week and decided to take a vacation from unpacking boxes so Weezie and I went to the Duck Pond Dog Recreation Area. It was a blast. I was particularly amused by this Bull Mastiff. The AKC standard for temperament for Mastiffs says " A combination of grandeur and good nature, courage and docility. Dignity, rather than gaiety, is the Mastiff's correct demeanor." Sorry, buddy, you're never gonna make it as a showdog. Then Weezie spotted a SQUIRREL! (If you've seen UP, you know just what I'm talkin' about.) Almost too much excitement for one day!

More Hock Injections

My trainer noticed that Navi is lame again in the right hind. So the vet was out to take a look. She told her assistant on the way that he was very easy to deal with, based on the first time she saw him. And of course, then he was awful. Managed to strike the assistant on the right arm while she was trying to walk him and was just generally not cooperative. I'm sure it didn't help that they arrived just at feeding time. He did NOT want to leave the hay in his stall. They tried twitching him at one point - it sure looks like medieval torture to me, but the vet assured me that it releases endorphins and therefore can be calming. But Navi wasn't having any of that either. He's so strong, I was afraid we were going to pull his muzzle right off. We're never doing that again.  I'm all about safety for the vet, her assistant and any other bystanders, but no more twitching.   Next time, I'm all about food treats, if possible. Anyway, the vet blocked various nerv...

A 'Moving' Gift

We were really worried about our 14-year-old silver tabby relative to the move. The last time we moved, she hid from us for an entire week; didn't eat, didn't drink, didn't pee or poop. And once she came out, she became a recluse. She spent 90% of her time either in her chair in the Master Bedroom or snuggling with Robert in his home office. Oh yes, and the rest hiding from or hissing at "the interloper." We wanted to make this move as painless as possible for her. But, of course, the best laid plans.....Our movers, instead of finishing loading from the old house and unloading into the new house in one day, barely finished loading on Day 1. There we were without a toothbrush or clean underwear to our name, on our way to a hotel and with no plan for Scout, who was sort of patiently(or maybe plaintively) waiting in her cat carrier, where she'd spent most of the day hiding from the movers. I called our vet, but they don't board. She gave me a number for a ...

Joey Graduates!!!!!

Congratulations to our hardworking, determined daughter who has graduated from Loyola University in Chicago. She deserves all kinds of kudos. She had some false starts, but took a couple of years to mature and then found the perfect college for her temperament. Hubbie always told her that she needed to go to a Jesuit institution because she loves to argue. Congratulations, Joey! We love you!

Winter W(h)ine...Remind Me Why We Live Here Again?

I did ask myself that when I debarked from the train on Thursday night and got wollopped by a cold, snowy wind. Probably a wind that sailed down over the wide open prairie all the way from Alberta. Robert tells me that the harsh weather helps us live longer, a kind of Hobson's choice in this weather. Oh well, it's only a few days a year. This morning it's sunny, 17 degrees, feels like 7. Not too bad. Cross your fingers. Only two packing days 'til move day.

Winter Storm Warning

I guess I should have knocked on wood when I questioned the arrival of winter. The forecast is for 8-12 inches of precipitation; snow interspersed with sleet and freezing rain. Oh boy. This is a picture of our deck after a pretty good snowfall last winter. We'll see how this storm stacks up.

Winter, at last?

What a confusing set of seasons we've had this year. A few days ago walking outside with just a cardigan was very comfortable. Today waiting for the bus across from Union Station in the "windy city" with a heavy coat, scarf , light gloves and boots it was chilly. I need to add a neck warmer, double rag wool mittens and a hat to be comfortable. By the way, about the "windy city," there are many stories about how the title arose, but the one that fits best today is the literal one. Downtown is located right on Lake Michigan and the wind rages unfettered off the water and through the skyscraper tunnels. Some buildings have ropes strung outside so you can haul yourself forward. You get my point - It is windy! It's also beautiful. The couple of inches of snow we got overnight softened the bony tree trunks we've just recently gotten to see again. Weezie loves the snow and reminds me of the days growing up where it's really cold (Iowa and Minnesota)a...

Magritte Sky

I looked at the sky this morning and thought this is a Magritte sky. All I need to do is plunk an apple or a man's head or a bowler in here...Tell me I'm wrong! Just for comparison purposes... Or this... Of course my hubby (Robert) asked what I'd had for breakfast. Tea with a soupcon of LSD, perhaps.