More Hock Injections

My trainer noticed that Navi is lame again in the right hind. So the vet was out to take a look. She told her assistant on the way that he was very easy to deal with, based on the first time she saw him. And of course, then he was awful. Managed to strike the assistant on the right arm while she was trying to walk him and was just generally not cooperative. I'm sure it didn't help that they arrived just at feeding time. He did NOT want to leave the hay in his stall. They tried twitching him at one point - it sure looks like medieval torture to me, but the vet assured me that it releases endorphins and therefore can be calming. But Navi wasn't having any of that either. He's so strong, I was afraid we were going to pull his muzzle right off. We're never doing that again.  I'm all about safety for the vet, her assistant and any other bystanders, but no more twitching.   Next time, I'm all about food treats, if possible.

Anyway, the vet blocked various nerves and the lameness went away when she blocked the hock. The good news is that it's only the right hock this time. The bad news is that he just had both hocks injected about 7 weeks ago. He obviously can't have them injected every 7-8 weeks. I'm very disappointed that the first treatment wore off so quickly. So, what to do, what to do? We decided to have him injected again and see what happens this time. With luck, this will have a longer term impact. If not, the next step may be an MRI ($$$$$!)to see if there's some underlying thing that can't be seen on the x-rays.


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