Seven Pounds

We spent New Year's Eve watching the movie, Seven Pounds What a good movie! I commented that it was a "little" movie, like they still produce in Europe, but you rarely see from the U.S. I wasn't surprised when I found out that the Director, Gabriele Muccino, is Italian. When I say "little," I mean "little" as in the trivial little things of daily life, the little happenings that are sewn together to become our lives over time. No need for explosions, shootings, wars.... As in definitely not Independence Day. Not that I disliked Independence Day. It's just that the balance between wonderful "little" movies and the blockbusters has been off here for years. So rent it if you get a chance. And don't forget the kleenex. And if you don't like it, just watch it to enjoy Rosario Dawson's beauty and vulnerability.


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