A New Horse

I bought a new horse today. I wired the money, the owners brought the papers to Sunflower Farms where I ride, my trainer did all the negotiation. I never met the owners, I had to call the barn to ask what name I should wire the money to.  I had him vetted yesterday and I couldn't answer most of the vet's questions.  All in all a very arms-length and unsatisfying transaction.  However, I think he's going to be the right horse for me.  I say that with a little trepidation since I certainly thought that about Navaroan, too.  But I'm not quite the naive horse buyer I was a year ago.  And even if we're not right for each other, life will go on.  Like the Vet Tech told me when I picked up Navaroan's transport certificate, there are a lot of nice horses out there. 
The choice itself it surprisingly complicated. Not like picking out any other piece of "exercise equipment."  More like deciding on a mate.  What's more important? Good looks, reliability, intelligence, work ethic, talent, training, stability, self-confidence?  Spirit is no Adonis, but he's calm, self-confident, seems to love his job and he's smart - he'll keep me on my toes.  When the vet first approached him, he put his head way up in the air - he knew she was a vet.  How?  Who knows.  He was really good, but after she'd done the flexion tests (where they first stress various joints and then trot you off to see if you limp and how long it takes you to recover) we took Spirit back to the cross-ties to test his hooves.  When she got to the second hind foot, he tried to poop on her.  Not the first time it's happened to her, obviously, so she got out of the way,but it was clearly a comment on everything we'd put him through for the past couple of hours.  Yeah, smart.  So, my first lesson this morning as his owner.  I have to admit to some hesitation.  Aw the heck with it.  As Peggy Payne would say - Go for it!  Be bold!



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